Friday Networking Call

Well I could not agree MORE and I also see this happen inside the Aligned AF Community as I am able to bring women entrepreneurs together.

What to expect on our networking call 👇

  • We come together and I give you the mic to share your expertise and your business but don't worry, it NEVER feels like a pitch zone

  • We share our ups and downs of business and you will leave on an energy high like no other as I truly bring in ONLY HIGH VIBE ENERGY

  • We make connections and collaborate to GROW TOGETHER

  • You may just meet your next business partner, mentor, podcast guest or even better-your-business bestie to do life and business with

  • Bring a friend or colleague who you think would be a great addition to the community!

Grab a pen, a piece a paper, your beverage of choice and I cannot wait to see you there!